Okay, please indulge me a few more questions. Finding the 120 LP filter on the sub channel is not surprising but it doesn't mean that it's the true crossover point. Noting that you saw a drop off in your mains between 100 and 120 is surprising.

Please don't take this as an attack on or dispute of your analysis. I spent quite a bit of time dialing in my 6 CH Direct input and I didn't get the same crossover results as you. I'd like to try and duplicate your results on my system.

Were you feeding the 6 CH Direct input with the analog output of the CD player? Or was it a DVD-A/SACD player? Was the 6 CH Direct receiving a stereo signal hooked into the mains? If it was a DVD-A/SACD player for the 6 CH Direct and a CD player for the digital input, there could be a discrepancy induced by the bass management of the DVD player. If you used a DVD-A/SACD player for the 6 CH direct, do you have it hooked up to a digital input as well? If yes, did you compare that digital input to the digital input for the CD player. I would assume those two to be identical but you never know. In the 950, I assume your speakers are set to small. Have you set them to Large and measured where they naturally roll off in your room with the sub off?

Regarding the measurements, were they taken from the sweet spot or did you take them close to the mains for the high frequency rolloff? Are you using sine waves or full range pink noise?

Thanks in advance for the details.
