
Yes, the DVD player works fine through component switching. Yes, cables have been checked multiple times. And I agree, I don't think the 950 is at fault here. It appears to be more of a compatibility issue. The Macrovision, if that's what it is, should only engage if it is connected to a recording device. The 950 is not a recording device so it should not trip the copy protection circuit, but it still does. So what does Macrovision look at to determine what it's connected to? Maybe the 950 could be at fault if it doesn't provide the correct load signature to the input device. I suppose the answer may be proprietary, i.e. if someone knows the answer they couldn't tell me. But it would still be interesting to hear from Outlaw if they know if this is becoming an issue with their products or anywhere else in the industry for that matter. While Macrovision has been ubiquitous on composite and S-video outputs for years I believe it is only now first being implemented on component video outputs so maybe this is a bit of teething pain. Whatever it is I don't like it.