You may or may not ever get the question answered, but it's an entertaining way to kill half an hour or so...

I am always the one which stumps em with an ‘out of norm’ question, (just call me ‘trouble’ in heels). When I got the 950, I wanted to upgrade the outputs from my old satellite set top. But I did not own a HD display yet. SOooo at Radio Shack, I inquired, can I buy the only offer in digital you have in stock (the DTC100) which is HD capable and just use it for the optical out. Will it work with my old non-HD dish to capture signal, and are there any additional monthly fees, on this box? (I thought it was a simple question).

The RS salesmen, used his ‘hotline” contact # for vendors to talk to Direct TV and got disconnected 3 times, over approx. 15 min of ‘let me transfer you to someone who will have that information’. They never could answer the question. They never could find a tech type personnel who could get past (a brain twister for them) the detail: “she’s buying an HD capable unit and she’s not going to use it for HD at this time!”

The salesman and I finally agreed, it should work, (in theory) with his understanding I’d return it if it did not. It worked.