I am in the process of setting up and testing the 950/7100.

First thoughts (and I am doing my best to avoid "groupthink") is that is does sound very good. Turning up the volume is interesting - it "feels" rather than sounds loud...i.e. no distortion, just gets loud without any effort. Hard to describe in words. I am using Orb Audio speakers plus a sub in a 5.1 set up. No issues with the sound being too "bright" either. FYI - I kept the xover at 120 .

So a few questions, and I apologize if they sound simplistic...

1) I used a Radio Shack SPL meter to calibrate the speakers. In order to set them at 75db as specified in the manual, I had to adjust them to as low as -8dB. The sub-woofer was adjusted to -15dB. Does this make sense? It seems a bit low and I have to turn the volume up a lot more than my Denon to get to the same level. This is not a big issue...just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong.

2) Stacking - I have the 950 on top of the 7100, but the rear and sides of the rack are open allowing for airflow. The 7100 gets a little warm but I was curious if this is ok to do. Right now side-by-side would take a lot of rearranging.

So these are initial thoughts. Any other suggestions on how I can test this unit out...i.e. see what works well (or not)?

