Hello Fellow Outlaws:

I have just started using my new (to me) 1050 receiver and like the way it sounds and some of the features (volume control allows small changes etc.), but have concerns about some things:

1) Headphone use

I find it quite surprising that plugging in headphones disables the speaker outputs. I've only seen this behavior in the past in low end receivers. Most better models seem to have a speaker A/B & Effects off button which allow you to keep headphones attached to the receiver (I use high quality wireless headphone a lot).

It is annoying to have to keep plugging/unplugging the headphones from the receiver and it will ultimately lead to a problem with the headphone jack or the plug from the headphones.

2. Night mode

Can't be selected/deselected from the remote?!

3. Only one (digital) coax input

Bummer! I have several coax sources (HTPC, digital cable box, etc.). I guess I will have to invest in a coax->optical converter.

4. Remote

According to what I see posted here, the remote can lose its own code and then can't be reprogrammed with it?!

I guess that's it for now until I use the receiver a little more. I'm sure I will get some good use of the 1050 notwithstanding some of the gripes I've mentioned.
