macharya, I am so glad you found speakers that you really are impressed with. Do you realize that you have just been bitten by the audio bug and from this point on you will always be wondering what the next upgrade you can buy is? I used receivers for nearly 25 years before finally buying the 950/770 two years ago and I can testify that it is definitley an audible upgrade. My wife and daughter will also testify to this. So if you can afford it, try the 950. I will agree with the other posts, it is very revealing and I have it matched with B&W CDM 9NTs which are also highly revealing. The combination can make poorly recorded material sound poor to almost unlistenable. But well recorded material is astounding. The wonderful thing about owning the 950 is that you can keep upgrading or changing your speakers and the signal fed to the amp will always be on high quality.