well,i'm gonna post this here and now.i went out and bought a rs 15-2138 universal/learning remote for a present for somebody.i set it up for my system to see how easy it was.EASY!i called tech support,did a setup over the phone(phone speaker to remote)and that allowed it to take an outlaw 1050 code, a few manual codes they gave me, and i have 90% control over the 1050.rs is supposed to e-mail me more advanced codes within 48hrs.this thing even has a code for my CAL DELTA transport,it has macros and it is JP1(has a place in the battery comp. to mount an interface),controls 8 units,touch screen. i'm totally impressed with it and i've had it 24hrs.
a quick call to 800-950-7044 could tell you if it will control your pre/pro of choice just give them the info.
hope this may help somebody with a system remote,my minds made up.now i have to come up with another $80 and buy my own!