Originally posted by theendofday:
Yes, man. But I really don’t understand why most women hate to see large speakers in the living room. That is really unreasonable. A wife should enjoy audio as much as her husband does. That is a happy marriage. If that is a problem, I would rather not marry. I think stay single will give you more freedom. For example, I don’t have to worry about kids, wife, family expenses and whole bunch of troublesome issues I could imagine of that would later come up in the marriage. I could do whatever I want to do. No restriction at all by the wife and family. But, that is just my opinion. Maybe I am just too young. What do you think, man?

By the way, in cinema they don’t use bass management for movie soundtrack playback either. A very powerful stage LCR channel setup will beat any wimpy 5.1 or even 7.1 that is improperly setup.
I think you should stick to giving advice about subjects you have experience in and know something about. smile Just my humble, married with a six month old son and never been happier in my life opinion.
Another result of those small, non-full range speakers foisted upon us unsuspecting consumers is that we can have multi-channel home theaters in reasonably sized spaces without having a multi-million dollar/year salary.