This is why Soundhound is right on the money when he says he uses identical 24dB/octave slopes for HP and LP filters for all sources.

But... wink There is a small problem with the identical 24dB/octave approach. Real example. 80 Hz crossover (with low pass and high pass filters). 24dB/octave LP means 24dB/80 Hz for the LP slope. But the high pass slope is also 24dB/octave which is 24dB/40 Hz. They are not equal. Hence I don't see how you get flat freq response through the crossover.
No, man. The 24 DB Linkwitz-Riley crossover has a characteristic of absolutely flat amplitude response through out the passband with 24 dB/octave rolloff. Its low pass and high pass outputs are everywhere in phase with zero phase difference between drivers at crossover. That was what all about. Different crossover type has different characteristic. There’s also Butterworth, Bessel crossover. Linkwitz-Riley is pro standard.