Originally posted by bossobass:
I just passed 2 years with my 950.

I never listen to CDs, so I'm no help there.

I listen to DVD-A/SAVD and DTS CD MC discs through the 6 CH bypass using the 950's 80 Hz analog BM.

I run the SW out to a dedicated redirected bass subwoofer system and run the SW out of my player directly to a dedicated LFE sub system.

I watch DVDs in bypass mode also, except for the few EX/ES discs I own and rent, during which I use the 950 for decoding and sending to a 6.2 system.

The analog BM in bypass mode is extremely accurate and very clean. I don't have issues with digital delay because all 6 satellites are the same distance to the LP.

The 950 has always done exactly as advertised, right out of the box, and I'm very happy with the purchase, and will remain so until I hear someone else's set up that is a leap forward for the money.

I've said this many times and will repeat it here...with the purchase comes this forum, Scott and the gang, and the Mighty Gonk (not to mention a bunch more very cool folks who pop in frequently). If there is a problem, you barely blink and solutions are on the table...for 5 years after purchase.

That's worth a lot more than any review I've read ever mentions. Good luck finding that with Onk and the others (I tried that route before I purchased the 950, so I know 1st hand what a drag lack of service and help, tips, etc. can be).