
You are correct about my current setup (except the speaker cables in the rear are not quite that long because the rear amp (in the component closet) is located close to the rear speakers) - but I'd like to change it. I'd like to place most or all of the components in the closet leaving the only the speakers out in the living room.

That would require 1. long speaker cables to the front L/R/C speakers (if all components are in the closet - and this is my preference) or 2. long interconnects if I keep the pre/pro near the front L/C/R speakers in order to keep the speaker cables short. I will use decent quality Belden interconnect wire if I do this. Also, in my attic, there are plenty of electrical wires laying around and while I can't avoid the interconnects having some physical contact, there are no electrical wires that will run parallel.

I've seen several cable sellers/manufacturers (such as [URL=]) that advertise long *video* component or DVI cables, but audio seems relegated to the old discussions of those who think the type of speaker cable used is irrelevant and those who think $300/ft cables and interconnects are necessary.