I purchased my 950/755 combo little over two years ago and extremely happy with the performance and never felt need to upgrade my pre/pro at all. I started with some Pioneer receiver (I forgot what model) in mid '80's with regular dolby surround (4 channels) sound. Then went with Sony receiver to get dolby pro-logic sound. My first foray into seperate system instead of receiver was Adcom/Rotel systems. I had a chance to listen to several different pre/pro systems other than those but I ended up with Adcom system for very long time. When dolby digital and DTS came around, I used Technics add-on for DD and DTS processings until I purchased 950/755 combo. I am still using two channel Adcom amplifier along with 755 for my main HT room. I finally purchased Denon DVD 2200 for my SACD/DVD-A playback capabilities few months ago, it was a too good of deal to pass-it up. Anyway, since 950, I am listening to CD's more and watching DVD movies without thinking about my next upgrade anymore as far as pre/pro is concern. I am no audiophile by any stretch of imagination but this is the first time I am enjoying my HT without wondering what's my next upgrade is going to be. Honestly, for my listening preference and ears, I couldn't justify spending few thousands dollars more for other "high-end" pre/pros out there. The only upgrade that I am going to look for in the future is next big-brother of 950, whenever that is. My only problem now is to find more time to enjoy my HT due to my other commitments like jobs, families, etc....