I'm in the market for a new A/V receiver, and I'm considering the 950 paired with the 7100 amplifier.

I really wish I could listen to the Outlaw A/B'd against other equipment. I have been amazed at the sound difference that I have heard between different equipment. Yesterday in an A/B comparison between the current high-end Denon receiver, the current B&K separates and a Primare unit, the Denon sounded downright awful, the B&K was OK, and the $4000 Primare sounded quite good. I didn't expect differences to be so dramatic, particularly given that Denon has a fairly good sonic reputation.

Has anyone A/B'd the Outlaw 950 against Denon, B&K or (yeah right) Primare? My hope is that Outlaw would be at least as good as B&K.

FYI, I am replacing a B&K 307 receiver, and am running self-amplified Bang and Olufsen speakers in the front, and Gallos in the rear.