OK, so I'm not going to stop writing just yet

Yes, attempting to have the the benefits of dual subs can be 'more work, more fuss, more frustration' trying to get it right, if both subs are meant to support each other in the same role. (Segregating the duties of two subs, as bossobass has, is an approach with different potential benefits. More on that later, I hope, in a friendly exchange of ideas.)
Yes, analysis should be throughout the listening portion of a room, not just a single location, whether using something like RTA or a self-setting parametric EQ.
You won't really know what can be accomplished until you try. Certainly finding out if one sub can provide what you're looking for makes sense, as does finding out what the problems are in a room and seeking to minimize them.
KCB, your approach seems just the right path to be on: measure, learn, adjust, repeat until satisfied ... or exhausted! No one is going to find 'perfection,' just a degree of satisfaction. IMHO, your last paragraph is a
great summary.
[This message has been edited by bestbang4thebuck (edited August 25, 2004).]