BoB- I am intrigued by your "movie" sub vs "music" sub idea.
Right now, I have 1 Vandersteen V2W sub. Kind of meant for "movies" in that it only has an RCA input.
Vandersteen also has the 2WQ, which is kind of meant for "music", in that it has an adjustable Q, and a unique way of crossing over with the mains. Both have 3 8" drivers, but the V2W also has a 12" passive radiator.
More info here (it's a quick read): So one question is:
a) 2 V2Ws. Just send each a mono signal with a Y splitter.
b) 2 2WQs. In this case, I'd use the speaker level way of connecting them, use one for each front speaker, and then set up the pre/pro to be L & R large, no sub, and center/surrounds/rears all small. So all the bass gets rerouted to the mains with the subs.
c) A V2W and a 2WQ. I'd run the V2W with the bass from the surrounds, rears, center, and LFE and the 2WQ with the bass from the L & R. (The music sub and movie sub idea.)
Also, I know that a corner is the most recommended location. But based on standing waves and such, is there any way to say what the next best location would be?
I.e., on Harman International's web site, they suggest that 1/2 down opposite walls is a good place for two subs. (That 1/2 point is a null, so subs there would eliminate it, right?) But they actually didn't test a corner and 1/2 down a wall. The Vandersteen subs are kind of heavy, 80 lbs each, but I'm actually toying with the idea of getting 2 "cost effective" subs (would have to be 50 lbs or less) and just experimenting a bit. In that case, I'd actually be able to try out 3 subs. (And yes the Outlaw sub is a candidate.

Any thoughts?