I use 1/12th octave 'notes'. The western musical scale, from A (27.5 Hz) to Middle C (261.63).
Those are the only tones that matter because those are the notes that play (A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#).
I use this disc for my redirected bass sub, and a standard 1/12th octave test tone disc for the LFE sub (from 10 Hz. to 120 Hz.).
I'm +4dB/-3dB from 12 Hz up, in-room, at the LP, no PEQ used.
RB sub: 2X15, sealed, L/T, 3,200 watts. (anechoic response to 25 Hz, -3dB)
LFE sub: 2X15, sealed, L/T, 4,200 watts (anecoic response to 18 Hz, -3dB)
I run the LFE sub off the analog SW out of the player, run my 950 in 6CH BYPASS (analog BM switch to 'ON') and run the RB sub off the 950's SW out, which only contains redirected bass because the 950 doesn't have any LFE input in the first place.
I'd like to say that I still love the 950's features/sonics/price/warranty...and this forum.
I have the subs colocated, about 3.5 feet from the front right corner, against the right wall.
I arrived at this spot after many different location tries and many more minute changes around the spot they reside in now.
I also have an outboard analog low freqs tweaker preamp that I designed and had Marchand build to tweak phase settings, gain, slopes (which I arrive at by cascading filters, as the player's LFE filter and the 950's analog filter are both global) and adjustment of the 'Q'.
Sounds all big and complex, but the high power is to counter the smallish size (hate big subs), and the tweaks are really quite simple, once the initial settings for flat response are arrived at.
How's it all sound? Man...I'm in there listening every day.
KCB...keep me informed...always interested in what you're up to (like the Mirages, for example).
Soundhound is actually quite sane, (most awesome media room I know of) just a bit crusty in his old age