Soundhound- I'm glad you popped into this thread.

(Maybe Boss O Bass will show too.)
*I've* also been thinking about 2 subs. The reason isn't output or low freq extension, it's flat freq response.
Let's see if this works: This is an ETF generated plot of my low freq response at the listening position. Sub in the corner, 60 Hz crossover to the mains. I'm pretty proud that all the peaks are level, but I want to fix the suckouts. The only way I know how to do that is with multiple subs. ??
Kidtricky- There's another way to do mulitple subs too: you can use Y connectors from the RCA out on the 950. But you can also add another sub or 2 or more by using the speaker level connections from, for example, the front L & R speakers. You'd set the fronts as Large in that case, and let the sub do the crossing over.
[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited August 12, 2004).]