I think if you were to use enough gain and speakers that are sensitive enough, you would find some degree of hiss in any system. After all, some electrons are going to be moving around randomly no matter what you do at operating temperatures. (I'm ruling out absolute zero as a possibility.

When I first got my 950 (blue dot), I was also concerned about hiss. The receiver my 950/770 combo was replacing was one step away from Onkyo’s very best unit at the time the Onkyo was made. So I did two comparisons. In one instance, I connected the Onkyo directly to the speakers vs. the 950/770 connected to the speakers. In the other instance, I left the speakers connected to the 770, and checked the 950 vs. the Onkyo connected by the line outputs as a pre/pro. In all cases I used the same source unit.
I had always thought the Onkyo to be very quiet. However I found out differently. If I'm remembering correctly, I would score it like this ...
Hiss Comparison, source device not playing, subjective listening, for various volume level settings, using points scoring, lower score is better:
Volume level: Minimum Low Mid High*
Onkyo/speakers 1 2 3 5 Average: 2.75
Onkyo/770/speakers 2 3 5 5 Average: 3.75
950/770/speakers 2 2 2 3 Average: 2.25
0 = absolutely no hiss detected at all
1 = near zero, ear within ½ inch from dome tweeter in order to hear hiss.
2 = very slight, ear within three inches of dome tweeter in order to hear hiss.
3 = noticeable, ear within two feet of dome tweeter in order to hear hiss.
4 = borderline, hiss heard from half way to the listening position, very quiet room.
5 = objectionable, hiss heard from the listening position, very quiet room.
*High volume does not mean absolute maximum gain. I considered this a level at which no one would listen without damaging one or more components of a system.
In my comparison, the Onkyo beat the 950 in only one instance – directly connected to the speakers, volume at minimum. Since I can’t listen to any source at this level, a zero volume level comparison is basically useless. I compared this anyway because I was curious.
In every listening level instance, the 950 was a better pre/pro match to the 770 than the Onkyo, with regard to hiss. This comparison satisfied me on the 950 hiss issue.
[This message has been edited by bestbang4thebuck (edited August 03, 2004).]