Hey Guys,

I have decided to upgrade to separates from my good ol Onkyo receiver. Since I have a budget (max. 3K) I have ended up trying to decide between the Onkyo 950/770 and the NAD T163/T973. Although the retail price of the NAD is much more I can get it on the net for much less (remanufactured, or damaged box). Actually I can get it for only $400 more. Now, considering the almost equal price, which would you get? The only advantage I can see for the NAD is that the pre-processor has an RS232 port and can be upgraded (Upgrade for Dolby IIx for exmaple coming soon). The amp is weaker (140 watts vs. 200 watts, but a 60 watt difference is not really noticeable. Has anyone had the opportunity to hear both systems????

Also, will I hear a REAL difference upgrading to separates? I am not an audiophile (I wont spend hundreds on a cable for example)but I am very picky about good sound and will spend more if it sounds better. I do not want to make a 3k investment for something that I can not notice!
