When I have the mute button on, I don't hear any sound, I know that I just pushed the mute button, and there is a blinking amber idiot light telling me it is muted. The intuitiveness theory that would suggest that I am not sure whether it is muted or not does not work for me nor do I think that is a valid reason for the current setup. It is clear to me that regardless of the current state of mind of manufactures that think that it is correct to implement the mute button in this way, are simply wrong. They need to change it. It does not make since to have it in the current configuration. There may be a very small minority of users that feel if they press the mute button, that another button will wake up the sound. Normal people would think that they would have to press the same button to activate the sound again. A majority of people would like to be able to adjust the sound during mute for multiple reasons, many of which they probably could not come up with right away, but would certainly demand once pressed into need. Therefore, I would suggest that the mute button - mute, and the volume button - adjust volume, let there be no confusion. They should be used as they are labeled to be used. Period.

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