How about reading posts on this forum, or asking questions, or looking at Gonk's great comparison chart?

No. This guy joins the forum today, and posts once, to trash the 950.

Perhaps he was merely trying to stir things up.

Understanding the psychology of posting negative, "I wouldn't buy it" comments on a forum devoted to a product and its users escapes me.

This thread should be allowed to die, and I am sorry to prolong its existance.

[This message has been edited by michaelstano (edited June 11, 2004).]
Michael Stano

Outlaw 950
Parasound HCA 1000Ax3
Klipsch KG 3.2s frt & rr
Klipsch KV 3 ctr
Klipsch KV 2 surr ctr
Sony CDP-CX355 CD
MonsterPower HTS2500MkII
Mitsubishi DD 8020 DVD
Mitsubishi 46" 16:9 TV