Glad you like your 1050!

As for the DD and Pro Logic thing, I'd check to see if the DVD is playing 5.1 audio or 2.0. If it is a Dolby Digital 2.0 track (which many DVD's default to), the 1050 will report a DD signal and use Pro Logic to get surround info. If you choose a 5.1 track from the DVD menu, you should only see DD.

Very few DVD's actually have 6.1 tracks, and some of those don't even include flags to identify it. If you want to make use of Surround 6.1, you can manually select it on 5.1 tracks and it will create a surround back channel. The Surround 6.1 is usually pretty effective.

I wouldn't worry about the surround settings -- probably just personal preference.

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