I generally wouldn’t be in favor of 2-channel/2-loudspeaker center reproduction for the same reason that you don’t generally find loudspeakers with more than one tweeter: upper-mid and high frequency sound wave propagation interference patterns coming from more than one source in close proximity. This usually reduces the intelligibility of speech and ruins fine high-frequency detail. There may be some carefully engineered exceptions, but I think it’s rare.

Potential experiments for 2-channel center:

1. Assuming no magnetic field interaction problems with a CRT television, try two speakers in a vertical line, one above and one below the screen. That way, if you have two tweeters reproducing the same information, the tweeters may have sufficient separation to preserve intelligibility.
2. On one of the two speakers, hopefully without damage, cover the tweeter or mount it inside the enclosure (or ???) so that only the tweeter in one of the two speakers is heard. Place the two speakers such that the other non-tweeter transducers are as symmetrically placed as possible around the tweeter that can be heard. If the resulting sound seems to lack high end, raise the treble a bit on the stereo amp.

What else can you think of? Be safe and enjoy trying different things!