I went with the Klipsches because I knew that in that big room I just had to have horns. Most HT speakers are designed for rooms of 1 to 3 thousand cubic feet. This room has over 9 thousand. We put Eurospan acoustic treatment on the ceiling, plus there are heavy drapes, overstuffed furniture and thick Oriental rugs in there. Wide dispersion speakers would die in about ten feet, and my front row is at twelve feet, so horns were a must. As to brightness, they can be a wee tad bright especially with AC3 tracks (DTS is better in this regard, not as "brittle"), but turning on the Theater Compensation takes care of that completely. One of the requirements for this system was that all the speakers (except the sub) had to be flown. The Klipsches were small enough to do that, and their imaging really shows off the Outlaw's pinpoint placement of sounds in the field. Depending on the size of your room you may not need the big 7 series speakers, 3's or 5's may do you fine. But those horns make it sound so much like a big THX commercial theater it blows my mind.

Bottom line ... GO FOR IT!!! The Outlaw/Klipsch combination will not let you down!
