Glad to hear you're in business, Rick.

Except for the convenience of switching and seeing the OSD, there is no reason to run the component signal through the 950. In fact, I would suggest against it because even though the 950's video circuitry is very good it can compromise the picture quality just a bit on a large screen display. But then, I admit, I'm anal when it comes to video quality, probably unreasonably so.

In short, I'd leave your video hooked up exactly as you have it and just switch to video 3 when you need to see the OSD. For my part, I just glance back at the LED display to verify surround mode, etc.

Those suggested crossover points for your speakers are unique in my experience. I'm not used to seeing crossovers so high. (Is it possible you're looking at the speaker specification indicating how the speaker's internal crossover works?)

What kind of speakers are they? Without knowing anything about them, I'd suggest starting with 80Hz crossover all around and then just experiment until you get the sound quality you like.

Now that all of your speakers are working, by the way, you might want to go to Radio Shack, purchase an inexpensive (under $40) sound pressure level meter and calibrate your 950's audio output.

[This message has been edited by boblinds (edited March 14, 2004).]