I also notice something. Usually when 950 detect a change in surround mode, the sound will pause for a second then switch to the correct surround mode. that's way the audio of DD or DTS reel before the movie start, got cut off in the beginning. However, if the 950 fail to swirch surround mode, it wont have the audio pause.

Also, it seems that using the remote to force surround mode will cause audio delay. for example, I start a movie, and it stuck at Stereo, but I know its DD 3/2.1, so I use the DD button on the remote. The audio are now in DD 3/2.1, but it seems the audio are little slower then the video, lip not sync, door close noise after door are close. Its just a little delay, but if you look for it, you feel it.

BTW, if the 950 can detect and switch the surround mode, it wont have any delay at all.

I love the 950, sound way better then my old Denon 3803. If it doesn't have this bug, it would be perfect.

[This message has been edited by ulpian (edited February 23, 2004).]