Oh man, does this every bring back (so recent) memories. I too have caught the bug for all the upgrades and I have my wife to thank for it. Two years ago "she" started it all by giving me a DVD player for Christmas. Last year I got a 36" Sony XBR to go with it, then a 1050 for my christmas present to myself, the wife gave me a Sony universal-master remote that's the coolest thing since ice cream. Then, in January I added 7 Paridigm reference studio speakers to round things out. I'm in heaven, but you know what? I'm seriously looking at the 950/? combo to push my system to my next level of enlightenment. When will it ever end? Never I hope!

Enjoy that 1050 Marc. I'm sure as you add your upgrades you'll enjoy it even more. It's a winner!

Take care and play it loud.

And Gonk.....You owe me a beer. heh
