
yep great example. I just threw T2 in and found that chapter (what an annoying menu that disc has. If anyone else cares, it's at chapter 19, ~31 minutes into the film on the special edition).

That's EXACTLY the type of distortion, static, whatever that drives me crazy... I guess I can just tell that inner voice that always questions if it's on the source material or something in my setup to just shut up now. It's really disturbing how many DVDs exhibit this distortion. I do notice it on CDs from time-to-time, but I notice it all the time w/ DVDs. Drives me nuts, especially since there are things like THX certification which is supposed to be a "watchdog" and a "standard" for dvd audio/video????

Anyways, I guess I feel a little better knowing not to keep swapping out cables, rearranging my system, buying power conditioners. If the distortion is in the disc, there's nothing I can do about it (sadly)...

And Jason, yes you're correct. With my old paradigm (and even older polk before that) speakers, I just heard a hint of the distortion, not enough to ever really bother me. It's when I switched to the ultra-resolving VMPS planar ribbon speakers that the distortion really started to jar my nerves.