I'd be surprised if the DACs in the Outlaw outperform the excellent audio stage in the Denon DVD-9000. I hvae the 9000's little brother the DVD-3800 and it's quite a bit better than the Outlaw's DACs (of course the dvd player cost more than the 950 itself...).

One thing I had to do to get the Denon sounding good was set up that switch on the front to turn off the video circuitry in the second position. If I switch from a mode that has video/display stuff on, the Denon's noise floor raises to an almost unacceptable level w/ the analog outs.

I do, however, listen to 2-channel mostly via my older Yamaha 5-disc changer (what can I say, I'm lazy...) and I find the DACs in the Outlaw to be just as good as the Yamaha's. In fact, I can't really tell any difference btwn digital out and analog bypass via the Yamaha (other than gain).