I have been curious about the DAC dilema myself for a while. Now I'm no expert, and my sources aren't that great, but I had to put them to the test anyway. Especially after reading Gonk's great method for comparison.

I have an older Onkyo changer I use for casual listening and parties and a Denon DVD900 for movies and more serious listening (which I don't don't get to do all that often).

Obviously the Onkyo's DAC's lost out to the Outlaw pretty quickly. The Denon was a little harder to judge. After several rounds of cuts from Norah Jones and SRV(Texas Flood-of course) the Outlaw takes it.

I was at first a little confused with the Denon. It seemed to be a little more 'present' but was also more smeared and less defined. I don't know if it has a little db boost or what (again, not a great deal of expertise) but the Outlaw's DAC's had other things going for it.

Imaging was much more defined, from top to bottom. Instruments took on their own space and presented themselves. Detail. Mucho Detail.

Now keep in mind I'm on my fourth unit since last June. I have every reason to not like this thing, and have come very close to pitching it. I have always belived that it sounds great when it is working and this latest unit seems to be holding out.

I have recnetly auditioned much better speaks (than my current Infinity IL30's) and think the outlaw will perform even better at higher speaker latitudes.

Despite my problems (which are archived throughout this forum) consider this a leathered testimonial. I will continue to push on. Thanks to Gonk for the DAC test, and multitudes of other great info.