I've got two questions: one easy and one a little more complicated, so here goes. First the easy one:

1) Is there a way to turn on the night mode via the remote or can I only engage it via pushing the button on the 1050?

2) I've got the "dreaded" sub hum. I realize that there are some products to eliminate this issue, but I need further clarification please. First of all I will list my components to help out a bit.

My 1050 is using an outboard amp for the main channels. There is also a cd player (analog hookup), dvd player (toslink), and satellite receiver/PVR (toslink) hooked up to my system.

The hum appears to be a ground loop hum and only eminates from the subwoofer.

What type of product should I purchase to elminate this issue and where exactly should it go? I've read that frequently this is caused by cable or the satellite receiver.
