Thanks for the advice. Perhaps I just need a more beefy amp. I was hoping to use the Outlaw until funds arrive to buy a new amp. Where's our high power sub amp, Outlaw?!?

Let me address your questions...
--What is the main volume set at when you calibrate?
Zero. The other channels very easily put out 75db.
--How big is the room?
About 14x18. The sub is right in front of my seating position. I know, no loading, but it's a coffee table. My wife might get upset if I put the coffee table in a corner. "Bad coffee table! Go sit and think about what you've done."

--What source are you playing?
I tried the internal test tones of the 950, and the audio setup tones on Avia's disc. I just retested with Avia. It plays a tone on the main speaker, then the sub. I read 75db on the main speaker, but the sub didn't even register when I set the meter to 60db. I can hardly hear it.
--Is the amp distorting when you 'crank it to +10'?
I don't know. The only thing I push to +10 is the channel trim for the subwoofer channel. Even then, there's not enough audible information to tell if there's distortion. I can feel the sub's vibration through the floor (spiked), and there's air whoofing (I looked that word up) out of the port.
--Also, you have no phase adjustment with this setup, and This may have something to do with the apparent anemia. Try reversing the speaker wires to see if there is any volume difference. Use your SPL meter and play a bassful tune, switch the speaker wires, play the same passage and note the SPL reading.
I just tried this, and it made no discernible difference.
Remember the Intellivision? [This message has been edited by Nostalgia (edited September 18, 2003).]