I just received the AV Reality Ear 2 stereo digital amp. I hooked the cables up, turned my system on, sat back and could not believe my ears. This new, so-called ground breaking amp was breathing new life into my 13 year old Monitor Audio speakers. The sound coming out of my speakers was breathtakingly great. The sound was fluid and yet very precise at the same time. The amp has no digital or dry type of sound so commonly afforded to digital amplifiers. It is fluid , precise , dynamic and very three dimensional sounding simultaneously. In fact it seems that when the volume is turned up the 3d effect increases. Sounds were coming from some place beyond the walls of my room. It was mind boggling. I have auditioned analogue amps i.e. the Stratos Amplifier by Odyssey and a digital amplifier by P.S. Audio(HCA-2) among other amps, and the Ear 2 amplifier blows these other amplifiers out of the solar system. There is absolutely no real comparison, that is how great this amp sounds. After listening to the the amp a few hours Peter Thomson gave me a call all the way from Denmark to find out what my impressions were of his product. He is a very professional and personable guy and seemed very pleased that I liked the amp. He told me that after 100 hours of use the amp will have a completely different signiture and sound a lot better. I told him it sounded great right out of the box but if it sounds better after several hours than it is just more icing(no pun intended) on the cake.If AV Reality’s speakers are anywhere close to the great sound of this amp I will definetly consider purchasing a pair. This amplifier should be priced much higher than it is. Anyone who is into high end audio components must audition this amp otherwise they will be missing something earthshaking in the audio world.
[This message has been edited by Harmon (edited June 23, 2002).]