Originally posted by Rob Babcock:
Hi. I'm hoping one of you Outlaws can help me regarding the bass management of the new Denon DVD-2900 & 2200...

...I wonder if even with the excellent digital BM of the Denons, would an ICBM work better?......

I also have a Denon DVD-2900, but my problem is that its BM crossover is fixed at 80Hz for DVD-Audio and SACD. I have tower speakers (DefTech BP-2006TL) with built-in powered subwoofers that do well down to 30Hz. Hence, my options are to set my speakers to small and not take advantage of their sub-woofers, sending all the bass to my HSU VTF-3, or, setting my speakers to large, and losing the bottom octave. [My receiver is a Denon-AVR 3803.]

I just ordered an ICBM (with the concurrence of Dr. Hsu) and hope to solve this problem--I'll report on the conclusion.
