on the panasonic rp-56, it has great progressive scan and no chroma bug, you can read about it on
www.hometheaterhifi.com look for the dvd shootout, it gets great reviews on its video quality.
It has two cons, one most people would agree on, and the other is my opinion (but I am not alone in it)...
1) the rp56 is barebones...no options
2) the rp56 has serious build quality issues, mine had problems right out of the door...they are flimsy made...
basically you have a high end chip with a very good decoder which makes up 90% of the cost, the other 10% went to build quality and features...I think you take a crap shoot by buying one...
If it were me, and I was spending my $1000, I would pass on the outlaw receiver...don't get me wrong, in its price range, its a great product, the 100's of people reviewing it can't be wrong...however, I think speakers add more to your sound quality than your receiver and source, as long as they are in good working in order...
so i could not choose to spend 70% of my money on my sources and 30% on my speakers...
i would look to buy something like an onkyo 494/500 on the web for $300 or less, that gives you an extra $200 for speakers...
then, if it were me, I wouldnt get a 5.1 setup, I would go with something like this
http://www.axiomaudio.com/m50ti.html you can get them for $500 from the axiom outlet store...
also, I think they have a return policy that allows you to return them at no cost (they even pay the shipping)...
I have never heard them, but everything I have ever read about them is that they are absolutely great, in fact, they are the same things you hear about outlaw...incredible quality at their price, just way cheaper than their nearest competitors equivalent stuff...
my reasoning is as follows, if you get a good pair of mains, your music will sound much better, and even with most movies it will sound very good...and given that a good pair of mains will give you better bass extension than a not so good subwoofer, you wont miss out on explosions in hometheater...what you will miss out is on the rear sounds...
also the $500 mains will last a long time, or they can move to rears eventually..but if you buy an all in one system, there isnt much room for upgrading, as the stuff you will upgrade will most likely not be used again...
plus, one of the best things about this hobby is looking to add new things, you may have to wait a bit to get that center and rears, but its something to look forward to, to research, to audition, etc...for me that is a lot of fun...
if you are deadset on the 5.1 setup, look at something like this:
http://shop.store.yahoo.com/reliableav/quinsatmic.html or maybe look at some cambridge soundworks stuff, they make good small hometheater...
if you really have your heartset on the outlaw 1050, i would try to pick one up used at around 400 (give or take, i saw one going for 375 the other day) and get the axiom m40's from the outlet...
i hope this didn't come off as 'know it all' sounding, as i am new to good quality audio systems, but I have been spending the last 5 months researching stuff until it was coming out of my nose, and I am just saying what I would do if it were me...
good luck with your decision..
/btw, I have had nothing but good experiences with ubid.com