Do any of you folks have an amp meter where you could measure this current surge? I would be interested in knowing what sort of start-up current it takes.

There are common circuit designs that limit "in-rush" current and prevent this from happening. The trade is an instant on amplifier versus one that may take a few seconds to gradually come up to full power. You might be able to find such a device as a plug in/ on option. Anyone have a link? And, no, I'm not talking about a high priced power conditioner. Of course, they may also perform the same function. I don't know because I haven't looked at them that closely.

I have a strong opinion that allowing a current in rush that is so large that it dims your lights for a while is a VERY POOR design. All the circuity ahead of the capacitors are taking a good "thump!" I would hope that Outlaw fixes this problem, in the design of their new 790, where this would only be worse in a bigger amplifier.

Just one man's very strong opinion.
The Rat.