Transformers convert the 120V AC power from your wall outlet into lower AC voltages that are then converted to DC to run the circuitry inside your amplifier.

A toroidal transformer has the advantage of more efficiency and that it radiates less stray magnetic field than a conventional E-I lamination transformer. They are more difficult and expensive to make than other types, but they are the best type for high performance audio equipment.

The number of power transformers used is a design decision really does not have a whole lot to do with normal performance. It appears that the Sherbourn amplifier uses seperate transformers so that individual channel modules can be swapped out, power supply and all. Whether an amplifier uses smaller individual transformers or one or two larger ones with individual windings for each channel does not make alot of difference in performance.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited February 07, 2004).]