I never saw this film but it's based on a Greek classic.
Wikipedia: The Anabasis (by Xenophon) was the (loosely-adapted) basis for Sol Yurick's novel The Warriors, which was later adapted into a 1979 cult movie of the same name. Both versions relocate Xenophon's narrative to the gang scene of New York. After a gang meet ends with an assassination, the falsely accused Warriors gang have to get home to Coney Island by traveling through territory controlled by hostile gangs who include The Lizzies (Sirens), the Baseball Furies, The Orphans, The Boppers, The Hi-Hats and even The Hoplites.
Me again: The real "Anabasis" describes the return march of 10,000 Spartans to Greece through hostile territory after the Persian king Cyrus (yup, same name) who'd hired them to fight in his army was assassinated. "Hoplite" was the name for a Spartan infantryman - the toughest of the tough. The "300" who fought and died under Leonidas at Thermopylae were hoplites.
Now maybe I'll see the film out of curiosity.