My gear:
RR2150 (soon to arrive)
NAD C521BEE CD player
Rega P2 (glass platter) w/Elys cartridge(original not Elys 2)
Energy C3 Speakers (no subwoofer as of yet)
Blue jean 12ga speaker cable and interconnects.
I have virtually no vinyl anymore. When I did, I owned a TT that was fully automatic, and I think even turned the LP over when one side was done. Boy, the simple days, eh ? I was very young, but had inherited my father's record collection, which was mostly rock based, but large.
Unfortunately, it was all lost (not by me) over the years, and since then, I haven't tried to get back into vinyl, until of course... now.
I only bought a couple things which were readily available, since they were cheap, and I had no idea of what any of the good or not good pressings were from the selections I was looking at. Those things being Portishead's self titled album, (180g) along with John Coltrane's "Blue Trane". I also have an LP of which my wife and her choir cut when she was a kid, so that should be interesting for both of us.
Come December 3rd, I should also have another set of LP's to add to the collection, which I ordered last month, those being the new Radiohead album, "In Rainbows".
My CD collection is modest, probably around 600-700 in total, some belonging to my wife. The genres range from Chicago and southern based blues, to a variety of classical (including complete Bach Organ works and the complete Stravinsky collection in a box set amongst other things), as well as Jazz, some soul and modern alt rock (I'd consider Portishead of that genre I guess).
So, my taste is broad, and I'm always open to suggestions, but for this test, I'd like to hear some pretty specific suggestions which will test my RR2150 and Energy speakers. When I say specific, I don't mean genre particularly, but rather that which will allow me to get a sense of how far this combination of gear will push its self in terms of frequency range, sound stage, a variety of vocal styles and breaths (if there's such a way of putting it).
Also very important to me (as anal or insincere as this might sound) is whether or not I'll be able to pick apart or simply hear the difference between a good studio production, and a GREAT engineering job.. Simply put, throw some material at me which has inherently great production quality.
I love layering of string instruments. Actually, I love layered anything. I love percussion.. and I love the sound of well done horns. Airy woodwinds and rolling piano keys.. Vocals that make your heart and soul melt.
I can even tolerate a certain amount of country.. but not too much really. I consider artists in the likeness of Junior Brown to be where my tastes are at, as far as country is concerned.
So, where to go from here is the question. Give me huge orchestrations ! Lush strings and passionate piano passages ! Swingin' and deep groovin' jazz beats complimented by a great recording... This is what I'm talking about.
Hit me.