Thanks guys for all the advice - here are a few more details. I just picked up an RCA F38310 (the 38" w/built-in HDTV tuner& directTV) - for $1800. I mentioned the room is 15x15, and I am mainly looking for something that will do the job for a nice home theater surround sound setup.

I understand the 1050 is a 6.1 channel, and I have heard so many great things about it, I am inclined to spend a little more and get this unit along with some decent speakers rather than a Yamaha in-the box.
By the way- just so I understand- the model 950 is not a home theater receiver, correct?

Anyway, as far as the budget goes, well, the cheapest, best speakers I can get my hands on to be honest with you - if I splurge for the $500 1050, I can probably only swing another $200-300 or so depending on what's avaialable. If this is pretty much not possible, let me know.

Also, can someone recomend a great progressive scan DVD player again for a budget minded individual?

[This message has been edited by mike (edited May 18, 2002).]