Yep, gonk's right. No substitution for listening with your own ears. I've got Boston Acoustics (the System 9000) and have been VERY happy with them. Another group of affordable-yet-sound-good speakers that have been getting a fair bit of discussion are those from Axiom Audio. I haven't heard them personally but there's a few users 'round here that rave about 'em.

What type of speakers are you looking for a surround setup, something with bookshelves and a subwoofer, or just a couple of nice big mains? Also, what's your budget?

If you check out the speaker threads, you'll find a few posts on this subject. It sounds like your room is roughly the same size as mine. My 1050 and BAs fill the space very well and sound great (to my ears, anyway)!

Good luck with your decision.