Originally posted by Cargo:
Jason, I'll try the tip out on the 2nd disc. Did you find that it did not have as much humor as you expected?
I was initially surprised by the scene from the trailer not being featured in the movie. Over watching the film, however, I found that the film didn't need that kind of "slapstick" type humor and I'm kinda glad the director, Brad Bird, left it out. Actually, now that I think about it, Pixar films in general favor more involved humor than many, silly slapstick moments. It's also one of the main reasons that I think their movies are so successful. That and that the movies are story driven rather than dependent on different scenes. It all adds up to an intensity that drives the films beyond the pure technical achievements they represent.

Here's my own little thought about what Pixar represents as presenters of fantasy family entertainment with an adult touch. In the beginning, there was Disney. For the next generation of kids, they were followed by Warner Bros Cartoons. The next generation, including myself, got the Muppets. Now, there's Pixar. In all of those companies, as Cadboy correctly stated, they produce films that are enjoyable on both the kid and adult level. Basically, it's family enterntainment without the need for bathroom humor. (Although, when they do decide to throw it in, you laugh your socks off) cool

Two quick questions:

1) Is this your first Pixar DVD? I say this because if you watch the behind the scenes on all of their DVD releases, you really get a feel for the company behind the movies and the way they make them. They're all made story first and then they work out the technical challenges. It really changes the perspective of what an animated film should feel like.

2) Have you watched Brad Bird's other film, "The Iron Giant." It's a great animated film that sort of gives a little bit of perspective of where "The Incredibles" came from.

To finally answer the original question: Yes, I thought the movie had the perfect amount of humor. smile