Originally posted by MustangStallion:
a few weeks have passed since my purchase and like everyone said..this is one impressive little (but heavy) receiver. ...

Welcome to the "Family"!

... I tried the S connectors for video and got the "twitchy" video everyone has had. No problem..i knew about this before I bought it. ...

Just FYI ... not "everyone" has this problem. I had a Mitsubishi SVHS, Apex DVD, Panasonic DVD & Pioneer LD all connected to my 1050 via S-Video and the 1050 connected to my 36" direct view Toshiba and never had a bit of trouble.

... When people ask how the 1050 sounds I always tell them (if they wear glasses) to take their glasses off. When you listen to lots of receivers.. they sound "unfocused", unclear, muddy like not wearing glasses. The 1050 sounds "focused", clear, defined. Like things look from behind eyewear ...

That is one of the best descriptions I've ever seen. Excellent!!!


email: pat@sklenar.info ---===--- home page: Grumpy's Lair