Rented this one on Sunday night. The surprise attack battle scene early in the film just about knocked me out of my chair. Aura bass shakers augmenting my LFM-1 contributed to the impact of those cannon balls. I too used the DTS track but didn't have time to compare with the DD. I may have to rent again or just buy this one to do just that. Yes the surrounds were very active - especially during the battle scenes and I agree that they added a convincing sense of realism. The sweet sounds of the string duets provided a welcomed relief from the chaotic noise of battle.

I was not as impressed with the video. On my system most scenes seemed a little dark and lacking in color. The gray fog of the opening scenes seemed to carry through the film. I'm sure this was the intent of the director/cinematographer but I thought some scenes could have been brighter. Perhaps I'm picking nits here.

Overall a good story well told with good acting. I enjoyed it very much. My wife and daughter were not up to seeing the blood and guts of warfare but I didn't think it was over the top or gratuitous. Especially since the ships doctor was a central character.

By the way, were any of you reminded of the Star Trek TV series while watching this? I half expected to hear Capt. Jack refer to Dr. Maturin as "Bones".


[This message has been edited by tekdredger (edited May 05, 2004).]