Originally posted by Spiker:
Originally posted by Wayne Charlton:
[b]boblinds and everyone,

You know, I, for a long time now, have held ...
...best "western" film since Unforgiven. I was, and am, MOST impressed.


Wayne, about time you joined in. Your posting tends have more herbs and spices. It adds more flavor to the thread which is good. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen The Return of The King yet. There’s a lot to write about. [/B]


Were you, like, REALLY HUNGRY when you wrote this? Watching a cooking show? Reading a cook-book maybe?

Honestly, I haven't been to a commercial cinema since Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. For that one, I was forced to drive (literally) 200+ miles and stay the night at a motel in order to make the midnight opening and see it in a "decent" venue (THX).

I would love to see The Return Of The King, but I'm afraid I must wait for the EXTENDED DVD. I wouldn't want anything less than an excellent presentation to taint my perception. I'm certain you will understand.
