Bossobass, - by “hybrid” is this disc 2-sided? CD on one, so that a currently non-SACD owner can purchase?
Not intending to upgrade to SACD capability at the moment so am stuck with choices for HR titles limited to DVD-A.
Would not mind purchasing the disc in MF SACD for future readiness, if I can use it now on the lesser CD side.
I like Gabriel’s voice and enjoy everything I’ve heard of his. I can admire greatly the voices of great male tenors and singers like Bennett and Michael Crawford, - (Crawford, live at “Phantom of the Opera” in LA was positively otherworldly and overwhelming). But guys like Chris Rea “The Road to Hell”, Gabriel and Stewart are utterly satisfying to me in that listening to their work is a raspy, rough-hewn, experience. Blocky around the edges; just as real men are in their physically outlines. I guess you could say I like calluses on men’s voices just as I expect it on their hands.
These voices are often a hate or love them type affair. I love them, my current favorite, a gift from a friend, which someone ran off with and now I have to replace, is, Rod Stewart’s “It Had to Be You – The great American Songbook.” Although it was released last year I just heard it this month for myself, - will have to reacquire it and his later release “As Time goes By”.