Any (or I should say the few I've seen) of the "Superbit" DVDs are top notch when it comes to "reference quality" DVDs.
"The Fifth Element" Superbit DVD is really outstanding in terms of sound and picture. There are a few others.
Also, "The Rock - Criterion" DVD has one of the best transfers I have ever seen.....Criterion usually has some of the better transfers out there..........
"Fight Club" and "Se7en" - great transfers......
"Star Wars Attack of the Clones" looks and sounds pretty darn good........
Anchor Bays "Suspiria" special edition looks really good...the use of color in that movie is outstanding.
"Lawrence of Arabia" is coming out in a Superbit DVD, and so is "The Quick and the Dead"....they should be good from the advance notices I've read.
I know I'm leaving some out, but these few are a good start.....
so may DVDs, but not so many "reference quality" ones....
just my opinion concerning "reference quality" DVDs...........