For entertainment purposes, the quality AV discs are hard to match up to my content preferences. I’ll mention the older, less familiar list, regardless of PQ and audio track, depending on personal preferences many here are worth owning.
Left Lugguage Isabella Rossellini
sad and touching, winner Berlin Film Festival

Donnie Darko cameos by Jake Gyllenhaal, Mary McDonnell Katherine Ross, Patrick Swayze, Drew Barrymore, some hate this although I find it darkly amusing in an "American Beauty" teenage kind of way, with overblown comedic sketches of the worst of suburban personalities.

Wind and the Lion Connery and “whats her face”. Will be issued DVD in Jan. High hopes for the transfer.

Always The Ghost & Mrs. Muir Gene Tierney, Rex Harrison just released to DVD

The Devil’s Backbone 5.1 Spanish, subtitled. Anamorphic
Not great but a nice change and a good one for Fall windy nights.

The Lion in Winter O’Toole, Hepburn, for its razor like familial venom.

Once upon a Time in the West a Sergio Leone film, for some reason I’ve been stuck on this one for about two yrs, Jason Robards and Charles Bronson both turn in my favorite performance for these actors in their westernwear. I consider it one of (or the best) of its genre. Also Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale,

The End of the Affair British infidelity drama. (do like the ST) based in part on novelist Graham Greene's own past, Ralph Fiennes starts the movie with his “diary of hate”, Julianne Moore is the well-bred adulteress torn between the sublime civility of her life and passion I like many of the lines in this movie, “I tempted fate, and fate accepted." Been intending to pick up the novel after viewing the film.

The Piano twisted erotica as almost any Harvey Keitel film is, but the Score rivets me, I partially have learned to play “The Heart asks pleasure First” no small task for someone who has not had lessons. Love the pacific islands and (Holly Hunter, whom I’ve never really liked) who as Ada fascinates me, I can strongly relate to a woman who ‘voice’ resides in ivory.

A dramatic game of perspective Benigni's La Vita È Bella (Life Is Beautiful)
Incredible film. A father intent on preserving not simply his sons’ body but his soul and mind midst the ruination of the Holocaust
We die like 'an empire at the hands of barbarians. M Dekkers.

What Dreams May Come
Robin Williams and Annabella Sciorra, C Gooding. Visual treat, (if you like Monet)

Jeremiah Johnson my favorite Redford. The DVD quality is hiddious.

If you’ve scanned posts you’ve prob already seen me mention several of these. They represent a mix of some old favorites (wont even go into the mega films LOTR etc, most being familar to all) and a couple which stuck more to memory than many for years. None of these do I recommend as “true” reference video or audio, although LVEB and WDMC are beautiful cinemaphotography, and TGAMM a perfect study in Black/White drama. Just an entertaining evening or to remain as favorites in a collection for rainy nights in your future.