Speaking of pipes,

More than organs Pipes will give me chills, maybe due to my genetics? I have a “Mc” grandfather.
Ech, but ye dina want those brutish great bags of air from Scotland, - Are you familiar with “Riverdance” upon which is a haunting track, played on uilleann pipes by Davy Spillane, (search his name, several CD’s)
Titled “Caoineadh cu chulainn” a Lament, this song could stir you buried 6 ft away from “yellow noise”.
Irish Uilleanns play 2 FULL octaves, giving them a greater range than the more martial Scottish pipes.
(Actually I love both, and especially Kilts!)

Any instrument whose players “presence” was banned from corrupting the English, (Ireland, Statue of Kilkenny in 1300’s by Edward III?) and in Scotland , - included under weapons of war after the Battle of Culloden 1700’s is an instrument worthy of stirring men!