While it is entirely possible to have 5Hz in the sound effects, there is no way that the mixing engineers heard it when the film was mixed, theater subwoofers only go down to around 30Hz before falling off like a rock. With pretty much everything digital in the sound chain for film mixing nowdays, there is no limitation on low end, at least in the creation side of the equation.

Playing "U-571" on my own system (with four 18" subs, flat down to 18Hz, and hanging on down to 12Hz) is not as spectacular as some other films I've played, and nowhere near as impressive as some pipe organ recordings I have with 32 foot ranks of pipes that produce honest fundamental frequencies of 16Hz. When playing these, you actually feel like you're being thrown vertically by the bass frequencies

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited July 18, 2003).]